"They thought the 6.4 magnitude earthquake on the morning of July 4th was big. Then a 7.1 magnitude quake struck Friday night, many times more powerful. The series of significant quakes, plus hundreds and hundreds of aftershocks, many of notable size themselves, has Mojave Desert towns nearest the epicenter on edge ... By Saturday evening, officials said there's been more than 3,000 earthquakes detected in the area since Thursday and damage appeared to be more than $100 million" ... California's big quake left giant scar ... Shocking Footage of Stromboli Volcano Eruption ... Yellowstone Volcano: Steamboat Geyser Is About to Smash Its Record for Eruptions ... Record heat in Alaska fuels wildfires ... Quake hits southwest Iran felt in Kuwait and Iraq ... Dangerous flash floods hit Washington DC. (source)
Are you awake? God is sending warning after warning of His coming judgment! These signs are also warnings for us to get out of the cities, as judgment and destruction is coming to certain cities. Please heed the warnings and give your life to Jesus Christ.
"Insects, which comprise two thirds of all terrestrial species, have been dying off at alarming rates, with disastrous impacts on food chains and habitats, researchers say ... in the test period, the total biomass of flying insects here has plummeted by 76 percent."
"To demonstrate the rapid decline, a lab technician holds up two bottles: one from 1994 contains 1,400 grammes of trapped insects, the newest one just 300 grammes. We only became aware of the seriousness of this decline in 2011, and every year since then we have seen it get worse, says Sorg, the man who sounded the alarm." (source)
It's interesting that this began to be noticed in 2011, the year that our mass animal death list started in earnest!
How many signs does the world and the churches need to see what is happening? How many signs do people need to wake up from their slumber? There are so many signs now of the soon return of Jesus Christ and end of this world as we know it, that anyone who cannot see where we are in history and what is soon to take place is completely and utterly blind. This world is dying, because we are nearing the second coming of our Lord and Saviour. "Big One fears as 17 earthquakes strike Indonesia, Chile and USA ... 'Swarmageddon' of 1,000 earthquakes hit Southern California - Is the Big One coming? ... Another powerful earthquake strikes Kamchatka in Russia's Far East ... Large, shallow 6.3-magnitude quake hits border area near Costa Rica ... France earthquake: Magnitude-5.1 quake rocks cities across west of country ... Line of Storms Leaves 1,000 Mile Path of Destruction, Impacting Four US Major Cities ... China landslide sweeps cars away as floods kill dozens." (source)
These are just an example of the current news headlines. The disasters are now occurring on a daily basis! Disasters by sea and land follow one another in quick succession. How frequently we hear of earthquakes and tornadoes, of destruction by fire and flood, with great loss of life and property. Apparently these disasters are caused by 'climate change.' But no! These disasters are happening because this world is getting nearer the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and in them, God's purpose may be read. They are one of the means by which God seeks to arouse men and women to a sense of their danger. To wake people up from their slumber!
Luke 21:25-27 ...'And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.'
Hebrews 12:26 ...'But now he hath promised, saying, yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.'
"TODAY IS THE DAY, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts!" (Hebrews 3:15) THE BIOMETRIC-CASHLESS WORLD IS COMING - Over 66 Million People in India now using Biometric Payment System (August 2019)
"India's Aadhaar enabled payment system (AEPS) surpassed 200 million transactions with biometric authentication in the month of July, 2019 ... The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) announced the milestone, which is instrumental to India's financial inclusion efforts, according to the report. A total of 220.18 million transactions with a combined value of 96.85 billion rupees (US$1.36 billion). The system was used by 66.5 million Indian citizens during July." - FULL REPORT.
"Instead of focusing on their philosophical and historical differences, American Catholics and Protestants should UNITE to confront common enemies who jeopardize their religious freedom, the director and producer of a new film about the Cold War argues ... 'The Divine Plan', which can be described as part documentary and part stage play, tells the story of the partnership between the Reagan White House and the Vatican under Pope John Paul II. The strong friendship that emerged between the Protestant president and the Catholic pope figures prominently in the story telling ... Reagan drew from the Protestant faith of his mother Nelle Reagan. But his father was Catholic, and Reagan maintained close associations with many prominent Catholics throughout his political career. These key figures include William Casey, Reagan's CIA director, William Clark, a longtime adviser to Reagan, Richard Allen, a national security adviser, and Vernon Walters, a retired Army general who was Reagan's second ambassador to the United Nations. These individuals all played a role in fostering ties between the Reagan White House and the Vatican, Orlando said. He also points out that it was Reagan who restored full diplomatic ties with the Vatican for the first time in 117 years." (source)
There is a great misconception today amongst prophecy students and preachers that end time Bible prophecy is all about the Middle East, and specifically the nation of Israel. And they miss the clear truth that Bible prophecy is given for the benefit of ALL people, to warn us of things to come to the WHOLE world, not just literal Israel. Yes, there are still prophecies to be fulfilled in Israel, as our following pages reveal:
There are still two major prophecies to be fulfilled in Israel
Now while there are still prophecies to be fulfilled in Israel, like the above two, the main movements of end time prophecy will be seen all over the world, at the hands of the two beasts of Revelation 13, the Papal Church of Rome (first beast) and America (second beast - SEE America in Prophecy). And it is through these two 'beast' powers that the mark of the beast (Sunday law) will be enforced around the world.THE KING OF THE NORTH OF DANIEL 11
The problem is, many people still believe that literal Jews and literal Israel are still God's chosen, whereas the Bible clearly tells us that there is 'no longer Jew or Greek ... as we are all one in Christ Jesus'. See our page - Israel in End Time Bible Prophecy for the truth.
The world is buckling under great pressure. Earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, tornadoes, mass animals dying. These things are just a fraction of the destroying forces raging throughout our world. Nature isn't the only thing going wrong in our world today. Everything else seems to be going horribly wrong too. War, terrorism, economic trouble, increase in sin and Godlessness. Confusion and strife reigns everywhere in this world today. God is withdrawing His Spirit from the earth ready for the last days and Satan is gaining more and more control.
The world is in such a mess these days that even non religious people are starting to think what is going on and what will become of all this. And what is the answer? Why are all these things happening in our day? The answer can only be found through a source that the majority of people have forgotten about ... THE BIBLE! When you study the Word of God you will see that these things were prophesied to happen a long time ago. Then the mystery begins to unfold and our eyes begin to open as to why this world is in such a terrible state. Please read through this site and find out the great end time prophecy truths that God has revealed to His people. The TRUTH will set you free!
The world is in such a mess these days that even non religious people are starting to think what is going on and what will become of all this. And what is the answer? Why are all these things happening in our day? The answer can only be found through a source that the majority of people have forgotten about ... THE BIBLE! When you study the Word of God you will see that these things were prophesied to happen a long time ago. Then the mystery begins to unfold and our eyes begin to open as to why this world is in such a terrible state. Please read through this site and find out the great end time prophecy truths that God has revealed to His people. The TRUTH will set you free!
Sound the Alarm!
It is time for this watchman to start sounding the alarm loudly, praying that some will be saved. Two weeks ago, I published a warning entitled "How the Democrats can (and probably will) Win." That warning is being more and more reinforced. See the linked WND article. As soon as the evil Liberal Left/Socialist/Globalist/Islamic cabal takes over America, which may be as soon as the 2020 election, we can kiss the United States of America goodbye as a free, sovereign nation.
Jonathan Cahn (The Harbinger) and others who are keen observers of current events in the light of Bible prophecy are, to the extent they are offering a false hope that America will repent and turn to God and be saved, are frauds. The Bible offers no such hope. According to the Word, America will, very soon, be destroyed! Yahuah's ("God's") people in ancient Babylon were not told to repent and pray for Babylon but to get out of her (Jeremiah 51:45). Exactly the same command is given to His people in America-Babylon. Read the essay at Who is Modern Babylon the Great? for irrefutable proof concerning the identity and destiny of modern Babylon and what Yahuah tells His people in Babylon to do about the dire situation we are in ... before it is too late.
Jonathan Cahn (The Harbinger) and others who are keen observers of current events in the light of Bible prophecy are, to the extent they are offering a false hope that America will repent and turn to God and be saved, are frauds. The Bible offers no such hope. According to the Word, America will, very soon, be destroyed! Yahuah's ("God's") people in ancient Babylon were not told to repent and pray for Babylon but to get out of her (Jeremiah 51:45). Exactly the same command is given to His people in America-Babylon. Read the essay at Who is Modern Babylon the Great? for irrefutable proof concerning the identity and destiny of modern Babylon and what Yahuah tells His people in Babylon to do about the dire situation we are in ... before it is too late.