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Will you and I see a First Century Church revival in…

Jerusalem plans first Purim parade in 42 years, despite war  

Has America Run Out Of Time?

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The “Blood Moon Purim Eclipse” Of March 25th Will Happen At About The Same Time “The Devil Comet” Becomes Visible To The Naked Eye

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The World is headed into even more Darkness!

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End Time Signs have increased dramatically!

October 1, 2013

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Deception and Delusion lead to Destruction!

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UPDATE: Supreme Court allows removal of trans-identified child from Catholic parents’ home to stand  Anonymous claims it infiltrated Israel’s nuclear plant in Dimona

Majority of Americans say religion is losing influence in public lifeUnited Nations adviser calls for White people to be stripped of their power

Thousands Boycott Tyson Foods Amid Plan To Hire 42,000 Asylum Seekers In New York(WATCH) Mass fish mortality in the Florida Keys leaves experts baffled

(WATCH) Mass fish mortality in the Florida Keys leaves experts baffled 

The Coming Famine: Healing the Land

In recent years, climate change has moved from a distant threat to an immediate crisis. At the forefront of this crisis is the increasing risk of global famine, a potential catastrophe that could affect millions. Where is our hope? … More The Coming Famine: Healing the Land


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