End Time News Oct 2020
Law Enforcement Across America Is Preparing For Massive Election Riots
Authorities have decided to "plan for the worst" because everyone can see what is potentially coming. But if we can't hold a presidential election without violence at this point, how much longer can our system possibly last? No matter who ends up winning, I think that the election of 2020 will tell us a lot about how far America has already fallen.
End Time Signs - Dramatic Increase In Travel & Knowledge
Twenty-six hundred years ago, God provided the prophet Daniel with a
number of visions concerning the future. In one of these visions, God
revealed several events set to take place just prior to the Second
Coming. But an angel told Daniel to seal up his vision until the end
times, "when travel and knowledge will increase".
Frightening Solar Flare Warning Discovered in Bible Prophecy
Biden Reveals Plans To Restrict Your Religious Freedoms

Turkey Is The Next Iran October 14, 2020
Previously moderate Turkey, has turned to destructive
radicalism in the style of the Islamic Revolution and now threatens both
American and Israeli interests throughout the region.
600 Earthquakes Rattle California - Is The 'Big One' Coming? October 05, 2020
Over the last few days, a swarm of almost 600 earthquakes has
shaken southern California, and a lot of people are becoming extremely
concerned about what will happen next. In fact, if you go on Twitter
right now you will find a tremendous amount of speculation that "the Big
One" could be coming.
Pandemic Pallets - Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Global Food Shortages October 02, 2020
Grocery stores across the United States are stocking up on products to avoid shortages during a possible second wave of coronavirus and some chains are actually putting together "pandemic pallets" in anticipation of more shortages.
Amazon Promotes New Pay By Palm - Another Precursor To The Mark Of The Beast? October 02, 2020
Amazon announced its rollout of Amazon One devices that use a customer's palm prints for identification and payment at physical retail stores. The company wants to expand it to any retailer willing to partner with the mega-giant.
Criminal Charges For Expressing Biblical Views On Homosexuality? October 02, 2020
The aim of LGBT activists is to silence those voices that
defend the system of two biological sexes and marriage as a union
between man and wife. Ultimately this has to do with preventing the
teachings of the Bible in the public sphere.
Media Ignores Tens Of Thousands Of Christians Converging On Washington DC September 28, 2020
Did you hear about the large Christian gatherings in Washington, DC this weekend? Did you see the news reports about the mayhem? The looting? The vandalism? The calls to "Burn it down!"? Oh, you didn't? That's because tens of thousands of Christians did gather in DC this weekend, but they came to pray for the nation and repent for their sins.
The Biden Plan To Transform The United States Into The LGBTQ Nation September 25, 2020
Joe Biden is the furthest thing there is from a moderate candidate. In fact, the reason he is receiving such enthusiastic endorsements from LGBTQ and abortion rights groups is because he is offering them everything they've ever wanted, and then some.
Wormwood Warning - Why Are So Many Asteroids Having Close Calls With Earth? September 25, 2020
The fact that so many space rocks have been headed our way is definitely alarming even if most of them have little chance of impact, especially since NASA only discovered some of them after they passed.
Peace Or War? Does Bible Prophecy Reveal The Next Steps In The Middle East? September 23, 2020
Students of bible prophecy immediately take notice of any peace deal involving Israel. Why? Because the Bible says an Israeli peace treaty plays a central and pivotal role in the end times.