News Report
According to the Edmonton Fire Rescue Services department, the beam of light was coming from a nearby refinery which was burning excess and unusable gasses in a process known as 'flaring.' They went on to thank residents for reporting the seemingly strange event and assured them that "this is not a fire event." And for those in Edmonton who may have missed all the commotion, the department said that the flaring will continue for the next two days, so they may get a chance to catch a glimpse of the 'alien' beam tonight.

A huge mass of molten rock is creeping upwards beneath the Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire, and has been gradually making itself known to geologists. The idea that there may be a super volcano brewing under the nation's north eastern states is something of a surprise.
Something unexpected has been gradually making itself known to geologists in the United States. A huge mass of molten rock is creeping upwards beneath the nation’s north eastern states.
“The upwelling we detected is like a hot-air balloon, and we infer that something is rising up through the deeper part of our planet under New England,” says Rutgers University geophysicist Professor Vadim Levin. 1.Hundreds of Prayer Warriors Descend on Washington to Provide Prayer Shield for Donald Trump
Among these prayer warriors are the members of a new group called POTUS Shield (as in President of the United States) who gathered inside the National Press Club on Thursday, CBN News reported.Pastor Eric Majette from Virginia Beach, Virginia said POTUS Shield is composed of pastors from all over America.
"We're actually a prayer group. We pray for leaders across our nation — a group of pastors come together to pray for our nation and our leaders, particularly the new administration," he said.
Speaking at the gathering, Alveda King, the niece of famed civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, said they are counting on God to bring sweeping positive changes to America. 2.Strongest Earthquake in Decades in Albania critical planetary positions around the 24th triggered a strong earthquake in Albania, the strongest in that area in decades, which caused a lot of damage and unfortunately also dozens of fatalities.
Currently critical in the solar system is the position of the Moon relative to Mars and Uranus, which could potentially trigger larger seismic activity, both around 29 November and around 3 December. 3.Eerie Beam of Light Appears in Canada Residents of the Canadian city of Edmonton were bewildered on Tuesday evening when an eerie beam of light appeared in the sky and sparked some truly fantastic theories for what had created it. The wondrous sight was reportedly first spotted at around seven o'clock at night and remained visible for hours. As is often the case with such events, numerous puzzled observers posted photos of the odd illumination on social media and speculated about what it might have been.
It would seem that the two most popular possibilities offered by amused witnesses were that the beam was an indication that aliens had arrived or, failing that, the illumination was demonic in nature. More serious-minded individuals raised concerns that the strange light was coming from a disaster of some kind and proceeded to flood the phone lines of the fire department, who eventually took to Twitter to offer an explanation for what people were seeing in the sky. Fortunately, it turned out that the beam of light was neither alien nor demonic and had a much less sinister origin. 4.Yellowstone National Park Is Creating a New Thermal Area
The new thermal area is located very deep in the back-country and it took satellite images over 15 years to spot the signs – heat and carbon dioxide – coming of the area.
According to Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, this is a new thermal area that’s really still developing.
As discovered on the aerial photographs, there is an area where trees and other plants have been killed by high temperatures and chemicals boiling up from underground near Tern Lake.